Blog Is Now Live
Blog is now Live
I began my evening by logging into twitter and committing to the #100DaysOfCode which I officially start on Monday the 1st of May 2018, Although I have not started it yet I must say that I have had such an interesting time already learning some of the small challenges that I faced when setting up this blog.
GitHub Pages
The whole premise of GitHub pages I believe to be one of the most intuative things since websites were released and the fact that you can host anything you create for completely free is brilliant for the challenge I have ahead and for future purposes if I want to show off my work at a later date.
The site itself currently as a blog is not of my own creation I forked it from Artem Sheludko, so a big thank you to him for this, ideally I would of liked this on my own site but using Jekyll for now will suffice as a medium to complete the challenge ahead and further increase my own knowledge whilst creating content.