Day Fifteen
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 15: May 18, 2018
Today’s Progress: I implemented more images on the contact page using svg files, I then used the same images that had links and placed them on top of the background image I use for the Homepage with the links attached.
I fixed an issue with the background image of my site this was caused by a simple issue of not writing the url code correctly which did not display the image.
I added a H1 and H2 Header to my home page I may change these later with some form of animation but for now they are displaying above the image how I wanted them.
The contact page is looking a lot better although still needs some work and the same goes for the other pages I need to add a lot of content so that I can move onto other parts of the project such as transitions or some form of smooth effects.
Thoughts: The major issue for today was the background image, once I had managed to sort the that issue everything else went a lot more smooth, although i did have one issue with webpack that took up some time but managed to sort that using npm update webpack. I am looking forward to what I want to do tomorrow as I am attending a Free Code camp event run by some locals in my area.
Links to work: