Day Four

Day Four

2018, May 03    

100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 4: May 3, 2018

Today’s Progress: So for the progress today I would actually not call it progress as such, after yesterdays post I decided it would be a bright idea to continue working and very late did I keep working. I did how ever get a good amount of work done on the actual project. The work I did yesterday I saved and uploaded today.

You should be able to see a screen capture of the work I have done on the actual project, there is a section missing at the bottom which is the footer with all the information that normally comes at the bottom of a google webpage.

Google Progress

Thoughts: The big issue, excuse the pun is related to staying up late definately going to refrain from doing that in future as I feel exceptionally tired today which in itself is counter productive, regarding the actual project though, I got a lot of work done that can be seen in the above screenshot.

The issues that I am having is working with bootstrap the elements such as the text I want them to align in specific places but it does not seem to or want to go where I would like, I suppose with more experience I can figure out what is actually wrong with it.

Links to work:

Google Project

Links to what I used to learn:

Nothing for this today