Day One
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 1: April 30, 2018
Today’s Progress: I started today by splitting my time into three sections for the first hour I decided to start with working on free code camp, the challenge I started on was Remove Classes from an element with jQuery.
When I had finished I ended stopping at the build a tribute page on Code Pen, links below.
During my second hour I spent my time learning from a react tutorial that I purchased from Udemy by a guy called Maximilian Schwarzmüller.
The first part of his course I worked on an introduction using CodePen, where he explained some of the basics of the reactDom and how to pass different attributes and the most used way of doing this.
As I mention below I decided my first project would be Front End Development and re-creating Google Search page more specifically St. Georges Day 2018, I have some of the base images ready to use.
Throughout the day working on different things I found that at the beginning of the day I was comleting all of the tutorials fine but I think to give myself more focus I will work on the Udemy Course that I purchased and then implement what I have learned during that time into my Google recreation.
So rather than spending 1 hour on each section such as FreeCodeCamp, Udemy and the Google Project I could of better spent the time doing 1 hour 30 min on Google and Udemy.
I had issues later today with the command line and github so I ended up wasting a lot of time getting this working so that my project was actually set up but for now the actual project is working fine and uploads everything to Github.
Link to work:
I decided to work on learning Front End Development in React and to start this by trying to recreate google Search Page.
Links to what I used to Learn: Remove Classes from an element with Jquery FreeCodeCamp
Build a tribute page FreeCodeCamp
After some time working through the tutorials from the udemy course, this is the codepen from the introduction. CodePen