Day Seventeen
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 17: May 20, 2018
Today’s Progress: Small progress was made today I added another section to the project related to the skills section and from there I have loaded in some more images, I am slowly working on getting the content on this project since it is a multiple page one which greatly differs from the first few projects which were single page projects.
I also worked on the assignment problem from the Udemy course code is linked below.
Thoughts: I spent most of my time today working on the udemy assignment which leads to me the next point, after I have got to a decent stage of the actual project looking good and working the way I want it to be I really need to spend some time creating things in Javascript so that I actually firmly grasp those concepts even though I have knowledge from other programming languages that knowledge was gained through tutorials and not actual programming on projects, so this is a major thing I need to work on.
Links to work:
Project: - React Learning
Udemy Learning. List Conditionals