Day Six
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 6: May 5, 2018
Today’s Progress: Todays time was spent with fixing issues with the search bar so that it would remain at the centre and correct size, I also had to deal with some of the responsiveness of the page today which helped a lot, the search bar is where I want it and the same goes for the right top images.
Thoughts: I Need to spend some time learning about media querys but I think for this project I will leave it without them as I would rather like to get used to how bootstrap works and I think for a future mini project work on a fully responsive nav bar to learn how those work properly with the google project I had the images loaded properly and the correct size but when using asmaller screen the images would revert back to default size.
Links to work:
Links to what I used to learn:
Nothing for this today The learning for today was bootstrap responsiveness and search boxes.