Day Thirty
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 30: June 04, 2018
Today’s Progress: I started a new project today and my aim was to try and implement a lot of the things I had learned into react about props and how it passed information around, I spent time working out how each section would work in the folder structure but was unable to get the information to display properly.
I managed to implement the Burger menu that Duarte Monteiro created so credit to him for that and whilst implementing that into a create-react-app I learned about React-Motion, spring and presets.
{Motion, spring, presets} from 'react-motion';
I later decided to call it quits as I was not getting the hang on how props worked and I will work on learning from a different tutorial tomorrow and trying to be careful about not been stuck in a crutch around the tutorial safety zone.
Thoughts: Today was not the most productive of days I did not achieve much of what I wanted although I did end u posting on stack overflow to try and get some help with the issue that I was having but this resulted in what I spoke about above that I needed more practice with passing information around using props.
Links to work: National Parks