Day Twenty Five
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 25: May 29, 2018
Today’s Progress: I went into a different Course today: The Complete React Guide which I have mentioned I was working through before I gained a rather decent understanding of things today, I learned how to fix package vulnerabilities and added in something called radium which allows the use of pseudo selectors when using inline styles this was later changed by using npm eject and modifying small parts of the project so that I could use CSS modules.
The course went through different ways to do some form of debugging in react Apps and by the time I decided to end my day I got shown how to split the components up that had been created so that the app file and folder structure was a lot cleaner.
I worked on a lot of the above and a few other coding exercises which I spent approximately 5-8 hours working through the video’s and the exercises.
Thoughts: This course the main part of the work could actually be adapted and used as a To Do List or used as a Nav link that moves down or to the left or right with a bit of work this was something that I thought about during today, I had lots of fun learning today although it was not on projects but still I learned a lot of information.
Links to work: