Day Twenty Four

Day Twenty Four

2018, May 28    

100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 24: May 28, 2018

Today’s Progress: I worked on a huge chunk of the Advanced Web Developer boot camp course yesterday, there was a few coding exercises that I worked through and a lot of information to take on board: - Maps and Sets

 1. Object Enhancements
 2. Object Enhancements: Quiz
 3. Object Destructuring
 4. Array Destructuring
 5. Introduction to the class Keyword
 6. Instance Methods
 7. Class Methods
 8. Coding Exercise: Class Keyword

I worked on a lot of the above and a few other coding exercises which I spent approximately 5-8 hours working through the video’s and the exercises.

Thoughts: During the time I spent today I worked through a lot of topics some of it I already had a firm understanding and others I generally did not fully understand so I will have to work through the video’s again at some point and put those things into practice.

Links to work: No project work today.