Day Twenty Nine

Day Twenty Nine

2018, Jun 03    

100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 29: June 03, 2018

Today’s Progress: I started later in the afternoon today looking at different information related to Navbar’s to continue where I left off from the previous day, I eventually decided that I would start a mini project related to national parks and from this I went on to set up the react project using create-react-app, I started implementing the components based upon what I had learned by breaking down each part into smaller components.

Once this had been completed I added styled components to my project using npm install, I then did a small amount of searching and found a NavIcon and I went about tying to implement this into react from a code pen.

Thoughts: Today was interesting as I actually managed to implement something from someone else whilst also understanding the code I was implementing, I also learned about react-motion package which was interesting and this was something that I had to implement into the project.

Links to work:

National Parks