Day Twenty Three
100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 23: May 27, 2018
Today’s Progress: I spent all of the day by working through the Advanced Web Developers Course that I purchased from udemy, I learned about the following in Javascript: -
1. Const
2. Let
3. Template Strings
4. Arrow Functions
5. Default Parameters
6. For...of Loops
7. Rest
8. Spread
A lot of topics covered which I hope will help me with future projects and for today I have not worked on any project work which is the point of 100DaysOfCode hopefully everything I am learning in this will eventually pay off.
Thoughts: When working through all of the above it was a lot of information to take in and that just left me feeling a bit lost and confused about how and when I would need half of the above, I noticed from today that I was having or thought I was having issues with problem solving related to Javascript which I kind of sorted later that day by doing part of a kata on Code Wars, this helped to elevate the negative mood.
Links to work:
No project work today but here is a part image of the tutorials I worked through: -