So what is Yes Theory?
What is Yes Theory?
I think to answer this question I have to start by talking about how I came accross Yes Theory, I was sat one day as any other person would be watching video’s on YouTube, and it came up on my recommended video’s, after watching the first video I thought this could help.
So, The important question asked above, What is Yes Theory?
The most simple answer to that question is related to an interview by Will Smith who conducted an interview a few years ago about how a positive change can be made by just saying yes to things in life that you would normally say no to or hesitate to give a response.
How does this have anything to do with me then?
When working with programming and learning to code or create a website you find yourself losing your positive mind set after trying to solve a problem for awhile and then it becomes an issue, so with the idea of going forward with this 100DaysOfCode which I mentioned in one of my other posts, I thought why not apply Yes Theory to this so that if I feel like I am not been productive, I should just reapproach it with a more positive mind the next time I try.
So what has seeking discomfort got to do with anything?
I agree with this way of thinking and when programming something you do not understand can become a discomfort, so going forward seek more discomfort to become more comfortable with what you want to achieve.
Sounds like a weird way of doing things but then again you can only do things by trying and failing.
So bottoms up to seeking discomfort!
To the guys at Yes Theory, Thank you!